The labelling of tourist products is a guarantee of the quality of the products and their value but also a response to the requirements of the customers.

There are many labels, carried by different administrators, with various and converging standards and specifications. These differ according to the nature of the target product, whether it is an accommodation or an entertainment activity.

For Tourism accommodation institution, these labels generally focus on sustainability, with on one of the following aspects: environmental, social, economic, or managerial. They are carried by international organizations and some are already introduced in Morocco such as the « Green Key » label managed by the Mohammed VI Foundation for the Protection of the Environment.

Concerning the animation and leisure segment , an important number is labels are concerned, rather, by a certificates or by required standards , mainly, related to safety as it is the case of the climbing, the tourist hunting, the paragliding. There are also other labels which concern, in particular, the products around which the animation was built as for example local products (label Maroc terroir) and crafts products (label Madmoun, label responsible artisan, premium quality label,).

SMIT support


Businesses tourism can benefit from technical assistance services to acquire the appropriate labels through information, guidance and support services.

I need assistance to be labelled