Ifrane National Park Development project

Project title

Development plan related to the conservation of biodiversity and the ecotourism development of the Ifrane National Park

Project Consistency

In response to a growing demand for ecotourism,nature and adventure tourism, SMIT has launched the national parks tourism development program, with the aim to create a “nature” offer complementary to the seaside and cultural tourism product and to diversify the leisure offer in Morocco. 

In addition, the new strategy launched in 2020 by His Majesty “Forests of Morocco 2020-2030” has confirmed the interest and the need for the development and the enhancement of national parks and their exploitation for tourism purposes.

To this end, a framework partnership agreement for the ecotourism development of national parks was signed in December 2020 between the Moroccan Agency for Tourism development (SMIT) and the Department of Water and Forests (DWF), the purpose was to decide and define the partnership conditions for the ecotourism development of the 10 national parks of Morocco in 3 three phases.

Thus, in the pilot phase of partnership appears the National Park of Ifrane in accordance with the high Royal instructions. Ifrane National Park is, in fact, a protected area of great ecological and biological value and has an excellent ecotourism potential.

Project objective

The objective of this partnership is to initiate a dynamic of investment at the level of this park through the realization of promotional tourism actions of that will improve the attractiveness of these ecosystems while having a considerable impact on the socio-economic development of these environments.

In this context, the SMIT has drawn up, in close collaboration with the DWF teams, a program related to the conservation of biodiversity and the development of ecotourism in the Ifrane National Park. 

The action plan resulting from the above study involves a public funding envelope of MAD 645 million, and consists of developing tourism products around the theme of youth in order to enhance the tourist experience and attract new national and international communities, while keeping the preservation of natural species as a guideline.

Eight tourist clusters have been identified around fauna and flora resources offering (i) ecotourism accommodation: Bubble domes, treehouses, Montan’Igloo, floating lodges, stone lodges, etc. (ii) entertainment: sports activities, activities relaxation, recreational activities, catering, events, etc. and (iii) urban and landscape upgrading actions: Development of the banks of rivers, lakes and waterfalls, installation of urban furniture and equipment, etc.

Project's holder

The program will be carried out by SMIT and Waters and Forests agency

General cost of the program

The investment is estimated at 740 MDh (including 645 MDh of public financing)

Nature of the Investments

Investments will consist on

  • Injection of a new generation of ecotourism accommodation
  • Implementation of animation actions
  • Landscape upgrade

Economic impact, particularly in terms of jobs

  • 125 SMEs created
  • 377 new jobs
  • 70.000 additional nights

DinoParc Tourist Project Sheet

Project title

The DinoParc: a park of leisure, animation and discovery within the Geopark of M’goun (Region Beni Mellal Khenifra).

Project Consistency

In order to sustainably enhance the Geopark and ensure the creation of an added value and positive externalities throughout its territory, it was decided to build a “narrative” around the theme of dinosaurs. It will be supported by a communication device of staging, making it possible to connects the link between the beating heart (very high intensity park) and the secondary poles (products that offer different experiences related to the theme of dinosaurs).

The beating heart is the “Dinoparc” project that aims to be the focal point of the Region. This project, a component of the Geopark, should be a Leisure and animation Park, an innovative, structuring facility with a very high intensity of attraction. It is indeed a tourist animation structure developed around the theme of dinosaurs with a fun and entertainment scope different from that carried by the Geopark (mostly discovery), which conveys a scientific and educationalload.

It will focus on the new generation dinosaur theme and should be a park exclusively dedicated to fun and entertainment activities. It will be integrated into its immediate tourist environment.

The proposed program revolves around three entertainment areas:

  • The Valley of the Dinosaurs is the heart of the visit where we discover the reconstructions of dinosaurs, where we learn while having fun.
  • The LuDino Parc constitutes the leisure offer of this park.
  • The Atlas Village is the miniature representation of the territory and the Geopark.

The main part of the DinoParc project are as follows:

  • Innovative product, combining both fun and educational;
  • Use of new technologies (a first in North Africa);
  • Legitimacy of the project (territory where dinosaurs really existed);
  • Project integrated into the territory, reflecting its identity;
  • New concept in Morocco;

Driving effect, structuring for the region

Project's holder

the Beni Mellal-Khenifra Regional council

General program cost

The total amount of investment is estimated around 200 million dirhams

Nature of Investments

The investments include the layout and development of the DinoParc, namely:

  • General landscaping & infrastructure (Signage and street furniture, Kiosk/sanitary facilities, networks, etc.)
  • Facilities and equipment in aim visited areas (fences, dinosaur sculptures, animatronic, leisure areas, swimming pool, scenography, buildings, etc.)
  • Welcoming and operational rooms (reception, information, ticket office, shop, changing rooms, etc.)

A Call for Expression of Interest is currently being prepared by the Council, the Region and the SMIT for the selection of an investor manager for the park of discovery, animation and leisure park around the theme of dinosaurs “Dino parc » in the province of Azilal

Economic impact, particularly in terms of jobs

The number of jobs to be created is 500

Project sustainability

  • Arrivals generated: 140 miles/year
  • Nights created: 240 miles/year

Oukaimeden Mountain Resort Project Sheet

Project title

Restructuring project of the station and improvement of accessibility

Project consistency

Oukaimeden offers an outstanding natural potential and natural resources. Its has also a resort offering numerous development opportunities, particularly in terms of leisure activities for visitors (the highest ski station in Africa). In order to develop the station and improve its attractiveness as a destination, a project to restructure the Oukaimeden station has been established in collaboration with both the local and central partners.


Project's holder

The project is supported by the Regional council of Marrakech Safi and SMIT

General program cost

The accessibility improvement program for Oukaimeden station:

The overall amount of investment is estimated approximately at 165 million dirhams; amount relatin tothe accessibility improvement program that consistsofthe following 2 areas:

  • Improvement and extension of the existing roads
  • Vertical and horizontal signs and snow removal equipment.

In addition, the investments programme of the station for its enhancement is as follows

The first phase of the station requires an overall investment of 105 million dirhams which corresponds to the following investment programme

  • Urbanism & constructions
  • Activities
  • Ski station
  • Security
  • Others

The priority development project of the Oukaimeden animations and leisures resort will require an investment of 270 MDH 

Concerning this last aspect, the financial project concerns improvement of the accessibility of the station for a budget of 165 MDH

Economic impact, particularly in terms of jobs

  • Attraction of approximately 500,000 visitors per year
  • Creation of approximately 600 jobs
  • Generating approximately 140,000 overnight stays

Project Sheet; Mechanisms Support for the Tourism SMEs

Project title

Support program for the development of tourism SMEs (Moukawala Siyahia)

Project Consistency

The health crisis has plunged the world into a state of paralysis that has affected our economies, with an increasing risk of a global recession and massive job losses. Tourism is currently one of the hardest hit sectors with repercussions on both supply and demand. This state of paralysis will lead to a certain decline in tourism investment, especially for SMEs. This is why the recovery plan has relied on the support of the private sector for the relaunch of the investment dynamic. The recovery plan consist also on the implementation of this support program for SMEs as a vector of socio-economic impetus. Different investment sectors (niche activities, heritage promotion, promotion of local products, entertainment and transport, accommodation, etc.)

Also, and taking into account the importance of the SME in the development of the Moroccan economy and more particularly the tourist economy, the High royal orientations have come to provide a new incentive to the Moroccan companies, in particular the small businesses. among other things, through an integrated program presented in January 2020 to support and finance businesses, in particular SMEs, exporting SMEs, self-employed entrepreneurs and the rural world.

Notably, the tourism SME has an important role in boosting tourism investment and creating jobs in rural and urban areas. Today, the SME fabric is the weak link in the tourism industry, the situation of which has worsened with the health crisis.

To do this, the SMIT has initiated a support program for the TPME which aims to support the development of these structures in order to densify the tourist offers, in particular the animation one.

Program objectives

The objectives to be achieved are of two types:

  • Qualitative: these objectives aim to: (i) optimize the journey of the investor/tourism entrepreneur, from the process of identifying the need of the project promoter, to the presentation and/or refinement of the investment opportunity, passing through its digitized administrative processing, its close monitoring and evaluation during the creation and post-operation phases as well as (ii) improving the performance of tourist ecosystems by spreading several animation activities.

Quantitative: two indicators have been defined for the program, namely (i) the number of SMEs engaged and (iii) the number of jobs created

Program structure

An organization has been defined for the operationalization of the program at the regional level, that include:

  • The Moroccan Agency for Tourism development:

The SMIT will be the major actor of the program at the national level. It is responsible for the design, structuring and management of related support mechanisms. Assuming the role of PMO, it drives the program and is responsible for consulting the Regions for the raising of additional funds, deciding on the selection of the most suitable development structure and contracting the program at the regional level.

In partnership with the latter, it will launch Calls for Expression of Interest based on a bank of projects and will rely on a platform dedicated to this purpose.

  • The regions:

The Regions, strategic partners of the SMIT, should contribute to the financing of the support program for the SMEs. They are also the guarantors of the implementation of this program at the regional level.

  • Regional Incubators:

For the realization of the program, partnerships will be concluded with incubators at Regional level to assist the SMIT in the execution of the support program (launching of calls of expression for projects, selection of project leaders, support for project leaders, tourists, etc.)

General program cost

over the period 2021-2027 The overall budget of the program resulting from the development needs of the destinations is 1,300 million dirhams

The program's service offer

The service aims to offer custom-built support including both : support for the improvement of tourism products and support for investment, technical assistance and advice.

The program administer for the establishment of support mechanisms as follows:

  • Support for the transformation of tourism businesses to improve the quality of their products and services through targeted training programs.
  • Investment support: investment bonus of up to (i) 10% of the investment amount for hosting products (ii) 30% of the investment amount for animation projects and (iii) 50% of the investment amount for projects related to innovation and creativity.
  • Technical advice and expertise: financing the cost of studies, advice, technical assistance, training and up to 90% of the cost of support.
  •  Support (tourism engineering): setting up a digital platform dedicated to SMEs (presentation of tourism ecosystems, presentation of the project bank by ecosystem and by sector, advice, guidance and support for SMEs for the development of their tourism projects, etc.)

Economic impact, particularly in terms of jobs

The implementation of this program should be able to create more than 2,000 tourism businesses, 2/3 in rural areas, generating more than 6,000 direct jobs, 40% of which are geared towards women and 75% are for young people

Program beneficiaries

The program is intended for:

  • Very small “VSC” companies whose investment is less than or equal to 3 Mdh
  • Small “SC” companies whose investment is greater than 3 Mdh and less than or equal to 10 Mdh
  • Medium-sized companies “MC” whose investment is greater than 10 Mdh and less than or equal to 30 Mdh

Beneficiaries of the Moukawakla Siyahiya program must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Legal persons with a minimum of two years of activity, without exceeding 5 years of activity, in the sectors covered by the program and detailed below.
  • Individuals who have already worked in one of the industies targeted by the program with a minimum of 05 years of experience.
  • Individuals with training (minimum BAC+2), and/or professional experience in one of the sectors targeted by the program, or a certification of professional expertise (, for example climbing/caving/scuba diving activities, etc.).

The project owner whether “legal entity or indivitual” must have an own-funding financing capacity of at least 20% of the total investment amount: the objective is to guarantee a minimum financial commitment from the beneficiary to demonstrate his involvement in the success of the project

Projects eligible for the program

Projects that can benefit from the SME support program must be part of one of the sectors detailed below:

Tourism sectors Definition Tourist activities*


This sector integrates the classified accommodation structures offered to tourists, on a human scale, whether these are outside  (campsites, bivouacs, Ecolodge) or conventional accommodation establishments (guest houses, lodges, etc.). Inn – Bivouacs – Camping – Youth center – Ecolodge – Guest farm – Lodges – Unusual accommodation – Guest house – Refuge – Riad – etc.


Niche sports activities offered to tourists, exploiting available natural resources. Air sports club – Water sports club – Hunting club – Equestrian club – Beach sports equipment – ​​Climbing club – Fishing club-parachuting club – etc.


Leisure activities offered to tourists near tourist attractions and throughout the circuits. Playgrounds – Street performances – Educational and leisure farm – Botanical garden – Beach leisure – NTIC (gaming) – Acrobatic park – Amusement park – Mountain sports resort – Nautical base – adventure park-etc.


Catering services for tourists near tourist resources Literary/historical café – Food kiosk – Restaurant – Country table


Rest and relaxation services offered to tourists using the natural and cultural resources of the destinations: thermal springs, hammam Hammam – SPA 
Craftsmanship & Terroir


Promotion and marketing of craft and local products offered to tourists Sales shops – Exhibition and sales space – Creative workshops – Craft and Terroir- shop, etc.
Tourist transportation


Leisure activities offered to tourists to entertain themselves and discover the tourist resources available

Ecological transport (mountain bikes, camels, horses, mules); electric quads, buggy, tourist train; segways; Tour boats; velibs; et

AGHROUD Tourism Project Sheet

Project title

Development and equipment project for the Aghroud seaside area located in the north of Agadir

Project Description

With a basic offer (standard leisure, windsurfing for the most familiar) and without any added value to resist to the competition. The Agadir destination product, 2nd national tourist destination, is running out of steamstrongly impacting its international competitiveness in regard to its revals.
The objective of developing new tourism projects is to improve the image of the destination with a renewed quality offer, which will improve the tourist experience.

Furthermore , and with the aim of diversifying and increasing the seaside offer and improving the lack of bedding capacity and entertainment facilities in the seaside destination of Agadir, a development project for the new tourist area of Aghroud (594 ha) was launched in partnership with the Region of Souss Massa and the Wilaya. The aim of it was to open a new development area and should ultimately lead to the creation of new investment opportunities, particularly for SMEs in the Region of Souss- Massa.

The seaside resort of Aghroud, under SMIT supervision (594 ha) is located 35 km north of Agadir and 50 km from the international airport of Al Massira in Agadir. It has an outstanding beach (crystal-clear and calm waters) and an extraordinary landscape, offering exceptional touristic and seaside development opportunities

Objectives of the Project

The programme aims to finance and carry out the necessary facilities and equipment to develop the Aghroud tourism site. The installations will be carried out on a plot of land that belongs to SMIT, covering an area of 594ha. The aim is to accelerate the implementation of the necessary infrastructures in order to enable future private investors to have access to the land with attractive conditions to develop tourist accommodation and entertainment units.

Consistency of the project

The program consists on the construction of the necessary infrastructures for the development of the site through the realization of the following components:

  • The tourist development of the two villages located at the level of the Aghroud site and their integration into the project (integration of the lower Aghroud into the heart of life of the tourist area and urban requalification of the villages);
  • The construction of the off-site necessary infrastructure (bypass, EHV/HV/MV electrical networks, drinking water and sanitation supply networks, wastewater treatment plant, etc.);
  • The construction of high-potential entertainment equipment to improve the tourist attractiveness of the Aghroud site (Corniche, theme parks, entertainment equipment, etc.);
  • The construction of an on-site infrastructure to provide land plots for private investors to develop tourist accommodation units ( network of potable water, electricity, sanitation, landscaping, network of telecommunication,)

Project owner

The Moroccan Agency for tourism development – SMIT and the Souss-Massa Region

General cost of the program

The total public investment for the realization of the project is estimated at 1.500 MDh

Project outline

  • 44% of the area is green / forest areas
  • Very low coefficients of land use (CLU) (0.010/ 0.2 maximum) to preserve the integrity of the argan grove on the built sites

Economic impact

Beyond the development component of the Aghroud site, the program will relate to the upgrading and development of the two villages located at the level of the Aghroud site as well as the construction of entertainment equipment with high potential to enable the improvement of the tourist attractiveness of the Aghroud site (Corniche, theme parks, entertainment facilities, etc.).

This program will ultimately have a great impact on the development of the Region by allowing it to induce a significant investment dynamic (more than 4 billion dirhams of private investment), the creation of a hotel capacity of more than 10,000 beds and the consolidation of the tourist entertainment offer as well as the creation of approximately 6,000 new direct jobs

Project Implementation Duration

The overall development of the New Integrated Tourist Station of Aghroud is scheduled for a period of 6 years