Capitalizing on our in-depth knowledge of the investment market, our mastery of the development needs of each region, our specialised expertise and our analytical capacity, we provide you with a team of professionals and a range of personalized and high-quality services to support you from the conception your project to its implementation.

The objective is to help you increase your economic competitiveness and thus contribute to the success of your development.

Tourism engineering

Through our Tourism engineering (Product, land and financial), we provide investors and decision-makers with the necessary elements to influence their decisions to invest projects to be developed (accommodation, heritage enhancement, leisure facilities, etc.), tourist destinations to be targed (maturity, seasonality, positioning, etc.) or level of profitability to be achieved and possible arrangements (public, PPP, private arrangements, etc.).

The studies and analyses produced by our teams constitute a battery of information and tools that are periodically updated in order to improve our knowledge of the tourism sector and its competitive levers .

Support for private and public investors

Capitalizing on our network of international partners, we strive to place Morocco of the global tourism investment conversation, and thereby position Morocco as a key destination for tourism investment for the target communities. SMIT’s intervention consists in seeking funds for the tourism projects existing in its portfolio by capitalizing on its network of international partners.